WWW Wednesday – May 26, 2021

The three W’s are: What are you currently reading? What did you recently finish reading? What do you plan to read next?

I am listening to Gone (Michael Bennett #6) and the series is really picking up for me. I am enjoying my time in this series.

I am listening/reading A Pocket Full of Rye. I borrowed the book from the library and am listening to the audio thanks to Scribd. I am not too many pages in, but so far I am enjoying the story and what’s going on.

If you’ve been keeping up with my blog, you know I’m making my way through James Patterson’s Michael Bennett series. In audiobook form. Books 1-5 were rather good, as I was totally into the audio read by Bobby Cannavale. The first two books or so were really laying the groundwork down, but books 4 and 5 were action packed and fast paced. Just the way I like my Patterson books! And thank goodness my library has this entire series on audiobook or I’d probably never get through this series!

I finished up with Starcrossed Lovers trilogy and it was a good series as a whole. Book one was intense, book two was pretty good and book three was to wrap everything up and put a bow on it. HEA isn’t always my thing, but it was okay this time around. I’d recommend this series to anyone into dark erotic romances.

I am participating in a few Summer Reading challenges, and they start next week. I am sorting out which books I am going to start with (as one challenge is only for the length of June, while one is June till September). I think I am going to start with the two books I pictured above. They are both sitting on my Netgalley shelf and I am focusing on getting my rating up in the month of June.

The Therapist

When Alice and Leo move into a newly renovated house in The Circle, a gated community of exclusive houses, it is everything they’ve dreamed of. But appearances can be deceptive…

As Alice is getting to know her neighbours, she discovers a devastating secret about her new home, and begins to feel a strong connection with Nina, the therapist who lived there before.

Alice becomes obsessed with trying to piece together what happened two years before. But no one wants to talk about it. Her neighbors are keeping secrets and things are not as perfect as they seem…

UNTETHERED is a forbidden taboo romance

I grew up in darkness, it’s etched in my soul,
so I have no right to touch anything as perfect as Isabella Serrano.
She hates me, I thought I hated her too until one taste of the forbidden makes me question that.
I’ll try to break her, to take everything from her,
but what she takes from me in the process, is more,
so much more.

Flynn Drake is a monster, my tormentor,
but the hate he gives, he gets right back,
the last thing I expected was to fall for him.
He tainted me, he used me,
and I let him,
but now I hold his life in the balance.

Themes: enemies to lovers, dark romance, step-brother, second chance, secret society

This book is for mature audiences 18 +

The Sunday Post #17

Good morning readers! May is almost over with, and the business is almost done, too! June is really about just getting through the rest of the school / work year (school ends June 18) so May needs to end soon, lol. I cannot wait for everything to calm down, and I will have nowhere to be and nothing to do once the school year is over with!

I’ve been on a good streak with my reading. I finished an audio CD book, and the next book in the series was available on Libby so I’m happy once again. Having my audiobook stuck in the car was driving me bananas, haha! I’m still getting some pages in at night so my kindle books are getting some attention finally. I am also currently gathering up my summer reading books as it starts next month… WHAT WHAT!!! SO EXCITING!!

Last week on my blog I posted:
Mailbox Monday
Reading Habits Book Tag
WWW Wednesday

Mailbox Goodies: I received an RAOK in the mail last Monday. I immediately posted about it here

My Amazon Wishlist if you feel so inclined to send me something.

Library Haul: I have the paperback and audiobook for A Pocket Full of Rye by Agatha Christie, which I started the other day. So far I’m enjoying the book.

I’m also gathering up the books for my summer reading challenges and most of them are from the library. I noticed that I use the library the most in the summer months! #supportyoulocallibrary

I will have a post about this soon also!

Next Week On The Blog: Will be slow. I am going on a mini vaca with the family for memorial day weekend so I am prioritizing them instead of my social media pages. I always do WWW Wednesday though, so expect that at least!

Find me on Instagram and Bloglovin’

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share News. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog. 

WWW Wednesday – May 19, 2021

The three W’s are: What are you currently reading? What did you recently finish reading? What do you plan to read next?

I am still on a romance kick! I just started reading book three of the Starcrossed Lovers trilogy, called Relentless. This series isn’t like books I’ve read before (it’s definitely a dark romance), and I’m really liking it.

I am listening to the fourth book in the Michael Bennett series thanks to my library. I am actually listening via CDs (so I can only listen in the car *waaaaahhhhhhh!*) because it’s a 9 week wait through Libby. So far it’s on the same pace as the first three in the series. I am not feeling the romance triangle that’s being thrown in the middle of a police procedural story, but I’m gonna see how it plays out. Bobby Cannavale is narrating again and I’m still for it.

Book three of the Michael Bennett series was pretty good. You know who the murder is because some chapters are written from his point of view, but the story made sense that way so I liked it. And like I said above, the romance angle is throwing me a little, but I think I will keep listening to this series (and hopefully get caught up before the year is over).

I finished Soulless last night. I couldn’t put it down! Yes, it did sort of repeat the same things over and over and it felt a little longer than it should of been… but I like where the story was heading. I’m new to the dark romance genre and I am liking it thus far.

My cousin recommended Storm (Storm MC series)by Nina Levine to me. It probably falls into the dark romance category too. I have it on my kindle app so sometimes it gets put on the back burner – not on purpose. Out of sight out of mind, ya know. It will be read after Relentless.

A Pocket Full of Rye WILL be read this month… but it seems that I keep putting off the Agatha Christie challenge books till the end of the month. This will be my first Miss Marple mystery and I am a little hesitant because I am a Hercule Poirot kinda girl!

Reading Habits Book Tag

I saw this tag on Alli The Book Giraffe‘s page. The Reading Habits Book Tag was created by Booktuber TheBookJazz, but I don’t think the video exists anymore. A few of the questions were added on by book blogger Jenniely.

Do you have a certain place at home for reading?

I read in two places: my back patio (weather permitting) and in bed.

Bookmark or random piece of paper?

Both. I normally use a bookmark, but sometimes I don’t have one handy and just throw something random (has to be flat though) inside the book.

Can you just stop reading or do you have to stop after a chapter/a certain amount of pages?

I like to end at the end of a chapter. I have stopped randomly on a page, because I do fall asleep while reading, ha!

Do you eat or drink while reading?

I will drink while reading, but will not eat. If I get hungry I put the book down to eat.

Multitasking: Music or TV while reading?

I need silence to read. If I hear background noise I get distracted (by either singing or watching the show instead). I’m the type of person who can sit in silence for hours.

One book at a time or several at once?

This is what I multitask. I normally am reading one physical book going, and an audiobook. I like all different genres so to keep my stories straight I will read one genre and listen to a completely different genre. I like that I can hear a book and get housework done (folding laundry is when I normally have my book on – I have three other people living with me, that’s a lot of laundry!) I will sometimes have an ebook going too… again, different genre.

Reading at home or everywhere?

I read at home, or in the car on a long car ride (husband driving of course). I will read on the beach in the summer too.

Reading out loud or silently in your head?

I read silently. I think I read rather quickly so I need to pay attention or I will miss something.

Do you read ahead or even skip pages?

I will skip a few pages if a scene is annoying me (like in an romance book when I’m tired of reading the characters having sex all the time (it’s unrealistic to me)). I won’t skip ahead to ruin the story for myself though.

Breaking the spine or keeping it like new?

My BIGGEST book pet peeve is cracked spines on paperbacks. I HAVE to keep my book spine looking brand spanking new. I don’t like to damage my books in any way. I do buy used books, so if they come cracked already than it is what it is. I am the type of person who reads the book half closed so I don’t hurt the spine, if I have to.

Do you write in your books?

Never! Blasphemy! See the question above… my books need to be in the best shape ever!

When do you find yourself reading?

I listen to audiobooks in the car and while doing housework. I sit down to read a book at the end of the day, after the kids are in bed.

What is your best setting to read in?

My idea setting is to be reading outside on my back patio on a sunny day, while I’m sitting in the shade, a warm breeze blowing. This is where you will find me in the summer, no lie.

What do you do first – Read or Watch?

It’s here nor there. For instance, I had already read Outlander before watching the TV show. I had also read Harry Potter before the movies came out. Shadow and Bone just came out and I hadn’t read it yet so I just watched the show instead. I agree that the books are always better but I wanted to watch so I did.

What form do you prefer? Audio, Ebook, or physical?

I prefer audiobooks, then physical, then ebooks. I’ve only gotten into audiobook these past three years, and I’ve read so many more books because of it. I do have the kindle app on my ipad but I only use it to read ARCs or books I find for free.

Do you have a unique habit while reading?

Unique? I don’t think so.

Do book series have to match?

I like when they match, aesthetically. Another pet peeve of mine is book height… if the series matches but the books aren’t the same heigh I am annoyed.

Consider yourself tagged if you want to do this! Link back to my page so I can see your answers 🙂

Mailbox Monday – April 17, 2021

I honestly do not get a lot of book mail. But when I do get book mail I always post about it! This mail was completely unexpected when I went to my mailbox after work this afternoon. I usually join RAOK trains on Instagram and give, but never get.

Thank you so much Kenya @ Reviews May Vary! I cannot wait to start this series, it’s one I’ve been wanting to read for awhile

If you would like to send me book mail, this is my Amazon Wishlist.

The Sunday Post #16

Good morning readers! May is my busiest month as far as wife and mother duties go. We are having a graduation party here in June (first time we will be having a huge party at the house since 2019) and I’m trying to get kids to and from school, me to and from work, and handle my constantly-messy-because-teens-live-here house. My husband’s work schedule is crazy, making life just extra hectic right now.

I’ve been listening to an audiobook via CDs from my library (because the waitlist is a mile long on Libby) and it’s weird because I walk in the house and realize I cannot turn the book on, haha! I’ve also been getting some pages in at night, once I finally crash into bed. Not many, but that’s alright. I am also thinking about what books to read for summer reading, as it starts next month… WHAT WHAT!!!!

Last week on my blog I posted:

Mailbox Monday
Book Blogger Hop: Bookmarks
WWW Wednesday
Get To Know The Fantasy Reader Tag

Mailbox Goodies: No book mail this week!

My Amazon Wishlist if you feel so inclined to send me something.

Library Haul: Again, no real run to the library lately. I feel like I’ve been reading books that I actualy own for a change, so the library has been taking a back seat… except for Libby and borrowing CDs to listen to books. I still have the paperback of A Pocket Full of Rye by Agatha Christie from the library, which will be read before this month is over.

Next Week On The Blog: I have a WWW Wednesday all set up, and I am working on a summer reading list (but I am not sure if that’s posting next week or the week after).

Find me on Instagram and Bloglovin’

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share News. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog. 

Get To Know The Fantasy Reader Tag

But it’s Thursday though.

I saw this book tag on Etta’s page and knew I had to do this! I normally do tags on a Tuesday, but forgot that I put the bog hopper post on Tuesday this week… so this was bumped to Thursday.


  • Make sure you give credit to the original creators of this tag – this tag was originally created by Bree Hill.
  • If you want to, pingback to the post you first saw this tag
  • Have fun!

What is your fantasy origin story? (The first fantasy you read)

In 1998, my mother went to a book store, saw a cover with a boy with crazy hair and a scar on his forehead riding a broom and thought to herself ‘Melissa would like a book like this’ and bought it. She stuck it in my Easter basket lol! When I saw the book I had no idea who Harry Potter was or anything about the book. Now it’s my ultimate fandom!

If you could be the hero/heroine in a fantasy novel, who would be the author and what’s one trope you’d insist be in the story?

The author must be Tricia Levenseller. Any trope other than a love triangle please, lol!

What is a fantasy series you’ve read this year, that you want more people to read?

I am sure everyone’s read it already, but this year I listened to the audiobooks of The Aurora Cycle, thinking it was a duology. And boy did that cliffhanger ending in book two really mess me up! I rather enjoyed how natural sounded the characters talked, and how well they got along with each other. The main storyline was very addicting and I was rooting for all of them. Even the bad guy was done well! I gave both of these books five stars on Goodreads.

What is your favourite fantasy subgenre?

I honestly do not know all the subgenres. I looked up a list of subgenres and OMG there’s a lot! If forced to choose one I’d pick Heroic Fantasy.

What subgenre have you not read much from?

Using the same link above, I’d say I haven’t read a lot on the list, haha! Definitely do not care for military fantasy, paranormal fantasy, political fantasy or weird west fantasy.


Who is one of your auto-buy fantasy authors?

I will admit that I am kind of new to the fantasy genre, so my auto-buy author seems to be Sarah J. Maas.

How do you typically find fantasy recommendations? (Goodreads, Youtube, Podcasts, Instagram..)

I normally find recommends on Instagram.

What is an upcoming fantasy release you’re excited for?

Aurora’s End by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff.

What is one misconception about fantasy you would like to lay to rest?

Probably that it’s associated with nerds or geeks. I’m sure nerds and geeks like other genres other than fantasy, just as non-nerds and non-geeks like fantasy novels.

If someone had never read a fantasy before and asked you to recommend the first 3 books that come to mind as places to start, what would those recommendations be?

The Throne of Glass series, Spellbreaker series and of course The Aurora Cycle series.

Who is the most recent fantasy reading content creator you came across that you’d like to shoutout?

Haven’t seen any content that I’d like to shout out.

I TAG:  if you’re seeing this and want to do this book tag, then you’re tagged! 🙂

WWW Wednesday – May 12, 2021

The three W’s are: What are you currently reading? What did you recently finish reading? What do you plan to read next?

I am on a romance kick! I received Heartless in my Dangerous Romance box last year, and it’s been sitting on my shelf. After I finished the Hearts series (or what is released so far) I wanted to stick with a romance novel. I’m not that far in, but I can already tell it’s gonna be a good one.

I am listening to the third book in the Michael Bennett series thanks to my library. I am actually listening via CDs (so I can only listen in the car *waaaaahhhhhhh!*) because it’s a 6 week wait through Libby. So far it’s on the same pace as the first two in the series. Bobby Cannavale is narrating again and I’m strangely enjoying it.
Side note I feel like sharing: My father in law’s third wife has a sister who is married to her second husband. That husband had a child with his first wife, and that child is Bobby Cannavale (mentioned above). I like to tell myself I’m related to someone famous even though we aren’t lol! And no, I never met him.

Book two in the Hearts series was everything! The story felt like nothing was really happening (the two main characters were hiding out from people who wanted to kill them both, in a cottage in rural Ireland), but all of a sudden it ramped up and never stopped. The crazy ending wasn’t so crazy if you think about it and I think that’s why I gave it four stars on Goodreads. Can’t wait for the final book to come out this summer!

This book WILL be read this month… but it seems that I keep putting off the Agatha Christie challenge books till the end of the month. This will be my first Miss Marple mystery and I am hesitant because I am a Hercule Poirot kinda girl!

I was on a Tricia Levenseller kick, so I have The Pirate King series waiting for me. But I’ve also gotten really deep into the dark romance genre too.

Speaking of dark romance, my cousin recommended Storm (Storm MC series) to me. I’m sure all the books listed here will be read this month, just not sure which one will be next next lol!

Book Blogger Hop: Bookmarks

The Book Blogger Hop was originally created by Jennifer @ Crazy-For-Books in March 2010 and ended on December 31, 2012. With Jennifer’s permission, Billy @ Rambling’s Of A Coffee Addicted Writer relaunched the hop on February 15, 2013. Each week the hop will start on a Friday and end the following Thursday. There will be a weekly prompt featuring a book related question. The hop’s purpose is to give bloggers a chance to follow other blogs, learn about new books, befriend other bloggers, and receive new followers to your own blog. 

Weekly Question ~ May 7 – 13: Do you collect bookmarks?

I wouldn’t say I “collect” them, but I do have a bunch of bookmarks. I normally use a bookmark to mark my place in a book when I am done reading. I have used a receipt, a tissue, a scrap of paper… pretty much anything flat should I not be able to find a proper bookmark. In the last almost two years (about the time I joined Bookstagram) I have bought a few, and some came with books I ordered.

Shout out to a local company called Charming Book Clips (who I bought my Harry Potter ribbon bookmark from *last picture above*)

Do you have a lot of bookmarks?

Mailbox Monday – April 12, 2021

I honestly do not get a lot of book mail. But when I do get book mail I always post about it! My magical subscription box from Litjoy Crate came in the mail the other day, titled The Big 7! And everyone knows I love me some Harry Potter!

How amazing are all these items! This is my third magical box from Litjoy Crate and I’m very happy with their quality of products in their boxes.

To join Litjoy Crate please use my special referral link http://rwrd.io/jfxehs2

If you would like to send me book mail, this is my Amazon Wishlist.

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